Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Oh, Boy!

Today's the start of something new and exciting! A new Disney blog. I live in California and have been to Disneyland so many times now I'm starting to lose count! My first trip to Disneyland was at the young age of 6 with my family. The first trip I was hooked. A couple years later I went again this time with my Girl Scout troop. It definitely was a different experience going with another group that wasn't my family. After this there were more trips with family and trips with various groups including my high school band. I even had my Honeymoon there! A whole week including a meal at Club 33, what more could a Disney girl ask for? My last trip was Christmas 2011 and my next trip may in fact be at the end of this year or sometime in 2014 (I'm hoping).

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